Sanitation & Recycling

The City of Corydon contracts with an outside waste management company for solid waste collection and recycling. Everyone within the community is required to have garbage collection and all residential customers are required to have recycling collection.

Most trash and debris, when properly bundled and/or contained properly, can be disposed of at curbside with your regular garbage service days. If assistance is needed or you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

For questions specific to trash or recycling pick up, please call the waste management company directly.

Image of Sanitation Schedule

Frequently Asked Questions

Where and when is garbage picked up?

All residential garbage is picked up on Thursdays. Residential recycling is picked up every other Friday. City garbage and recycling is contracted through Midwest Sanitation and Recycling, who provide totes for each residence.

How do I get rid of limbs & brush?

The City crew will pick up brush on the 3rd Thursday of each month, April through October. You must call City Hall to be put on the pick up list. There is a $5.00 fee for bags of leaves and small piles of sticks and a $10.00 charge for large piles. Limbs must be cut no longer than four foot. Fees will be billed with water, sewer, and garbage.

The City brush dump located at the west end of First Avenue (south of the Wayne County Fairgrounds).  The gates to the brush dump are but residents can arrange for access by contacting City Hall during regular business hours (M-Th, 8-4:30pm) for an appointment.  The cost is $10 per load which can be paid at the gate, at City Hall, or it can be added to the resident’s water bill.