To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
City Cemetery
Where do I purchase a cemetery space? How much? Who cares for the cemetery?
Cemetery spaces are purchased at City Hall – price & location vary. The City of Corydon is responsible for the care of the cemetery.
Community Center
How can I reserve the Community Building at Walden Park? How much? How soon?
The Community Building is located at 501 S. East St. Call City Hall to reserve, 641.872.1826. Rental is $150. No fee or reservations needed for the shelter houses.
Planning & Zoning
Is the City of Corydon zoned?
Yes. City Hall can help you with questions. Building permits are required.
Code Compliance
How do I register my golf cart/ATV for use in town?
Getting a permit for your golf cart/ATV/UTV/Snowmobile/Mini-Bike/Go Kart is easy and free. Just complete the permit application and bring to City Hall. A sticker will be issued that will need to be displayed on the rear driver’s side. You will need submit a copy of the insurance card/proof of financial liability with the application. There is a $10 registration fee.
How do I register my golf cart/ATV for use in town?
Getting a permit for your golf cart/ATV/UTV/Snowmobile/Mini-Bike/Go Kart is easy and free. Just complete the permit application and bring to City Hall. A sticker will be issued that will need to be displayed on the rear driver’s side. You will need submit a copy of the insurance card/proof of financial liability with the application. There is a $10 registration fee.
Where do I get my drivers license?
Drivers licenses are available at the Wayne County Courthouse, on the square in Corydon.
Building Permits & Inspections
Who do I contact for a building permit?
Call City Hall – 641-872-1826
Animal Services
My dog was out running and was picked up. Where is the pound? Where can I get a tag?
Your dog is at Corydon Vet Clinic on Hwy. 14 north of town. Buy your tag($5) at City Hall, on the square right across from Hy-Vee to the west. There is a limit of 6 pets per household.
Wayne Co. Sheriff's Office
How do I call Corydon Police Department?
The City of Corydon no longer has a police department, we are under the protection of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office. For an Emergency, dial 911. If you want to speak to an officer, call the Wayne County Sheriff at 641.872.1566.
Cable, Telephone & Internet
I have just moved here. Who are the contacts & companies for electricity, gas, water & sewer, garbage, telephone & cable TV?
For gas & electric – Alliant Energy – toll free – 1-800-822-4348
For water & sewer & garbage – City of Corydon – 641-872-1826
For telephone/internet – Grand River Mutual (South Central Communications) -641-446-4222 or toll free 800-551-1940
For cable TV/internet – Mediacom – toll free 855-633-4226, Dish or DirecTV.
Sanitation & Recycling
Where and when is garbage picked up?
All residential garbage is picked up on Thursdays. Residential recycling is picked up every other Friday. City garbage and recycling is contracted through Midwest Sanitation and Recycling, who provide totes for each residence.
How do I get rid of limbs & brush?
The City crew will pick up brush on the 3rd Thursday of each month, April through October. You must call City Hall to be put on the pick up list. There is a $5.00 fee for bags of leaves and small piles of sticks and a $10.00 charge for large piles. Limbs must be cut no longer than four foot. Fees will be billed with water, sewer, and garbage.
The City brush dump located at the west end of First Avenue (south of the Wayne County Fairgrounds). The gates to the brush dump are but residents can arrange for access by contacting City Hall during regular business hours (M-Th, 8-4:30pm) for an appointment. The cost is $10 per load which can be paid at the gate, at City Hall, or it can be added to the resident’s water bill.
Water Utilities
Is there a water deposit & how much?
The deposit is $250 for renters and no deposit for home owners. You should pay this amount at City Hall at the time of registering for service.
When are the meters read? Billing?
Water meters are read on the 15th of each month and the bills are due the following 1st of the next month, with a penalty applied on the 10th if unpaid. The minimum charge is $106.80 per month for a residence – commercial rating requires a call to City Hall.
I want to plant a tree. Should I contact anyone?
BEFORE YOU DIG, call Iowa One Call -toll free 800-292-8989 & they will locate ALL the lines on your property.
I am interested in renting, who do I contact?
The realtors are listed on our Housing page of the website. They should know the properties and landlords. For more information or help with relocation, call City Hall at 641-872-1826.
New Resident Resources
What is the local newspaper?
The Times Republican – 641-872-1234. Visit their website at http://www.corydontimes.com/
Corydon Golf Course
Questions about the golf at Walden Park:
Nine-hole course. Green fees $25.00. No cart rental. No reserved tee times. Contact Brian Draper, Golf Club President, at 641-344-4630 for club memberships.